Friday, February 19, 2016

Safely Hiking the Grand Canyon's Bright Angel Trail

Edward Abbott Ravenscroft is an active investor in Abbott Laboratories Corporation and Abbvie Pharmaceuticals. Edward Abbott Ravenscroft is also an outdoorsman, enjoying trail hiking at challenging venues such as the Bright Angel Trail in the Grand Canyon.

The Bright Angel Trail is the most frequently traveled path in the park; even so, few visitors try it. The trail begins on the South Rim at the Village and descends some 4,380 feet in 9.5 miles.

This affords some magnificent views of the Canyon's plant and animal life. Of historical interest are ancient pictographs embedded in the cliff walls and the remains of coral reefs.

Hikers should carry five or six liters of water, especially in the summer, when temperatures can reach 110 degrees. By far the best start times are before dawn and in the late afternoon or evening. Conditions are less extreme during the fall and spring hiking seasons.

To ensure adequate hydration, hikers should plan on resting for 15 minutes every hour. For safety's sake, park rangers patrol the trail to monitor hikers' health.